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  • pwm fan controler pentastar
  • pwm fan controler pentastar
  • PWM fan controller Camaro pwm fan pentastar pwm fan spal pwm fan rpmextreme ezcanbus
Part Number: EZ-PWM - EZ-PWM

Available Options

Retail: $425.00 Web Price: $325.00

Product Description


The module is a standalone option for controling a chrysler style PWM fan know as a pentastar fan or a Camaro style PWM fan. This unit will work with a stock JK 3.8 - 3.6 or one with a HEMI swap.

We curently offer several types of PWM controlers

PWM-CAN. This unit is configured for automatic variable fan speed operation. This unit will read the engine coolant temp and AC pressure info from the vehicle CAN BUS.  It will use this information to determine what speed to run the fan. The fan will run at a low idle speed when the module is powered on and the engine is running, as the engine temps or AC pressure increase the fans will be commanded to run at a higher percentage from 10-100%. 

INPUTS: We offer optional inputs that when activated will over ride the CAN base settings and run the fan at a higher speed. These inputs will operate the fan with the engine off as long as the key is in the run position.  These inputs are optional but make it nice to be able to manually turn on the fan to cool down the engine or to test the fan itself. 

PWM-CAN-POS. This unit is configured for automatic variable fan speed operation. This unit is also equiped with 1 "POSITIVE" side input. By applying voltage to input 1 will cause the fan to run at a HIGH speed. 

PWM-CAN-LOW. This unit is configured for automatic variable fan speed operation. This unit is also equiped with 1 NEGATIVE" side input. Grounding input 2  will cause the fan to run at a HIGH speed. 

PWM-CAN-POS-POS. This unit is configured for automatic variable fan speed operation. This unit is also equiped with 2 "POSITIVE" side inputs. By applying voltage to input 1 will cause the fan to run at a MEDIUM speed. By applying voltage to input 2 will run the fan at HIGH speed.

PWM-CAN-LOW-LOW. This unit is configured for automatic variable fan speed operation. This unit is also equiped with 2 NEGATIVE" side inputs. Grounding input 1 will cause the fan to run at a MEDIUM speed. Grounding input 2 will run the fan at HIGH speed. 

You can order the module with either a POSITIVE, NEGATIVE , TWO NEGATIVE , TWO POSITIVE or CANBUS ONLY

POSITIVE style activate when the input is over 10 volts

NEGATIVE style activate when the input is grounded

The extra inputs can be used to trigger the fan speeds for custom AC operation, manual overide or other applications. Special programing can be done uppon request, If you have a special request please email us before you make a purchase.  Email HERE if you have questions or want special programing 

07-11 Jeep JKs will need a PWM FAN POWER HARNESS HERE

12-18 Jeep Jks with a 3.6: When you select "3.6" from the drop down menu the controller willl come with a resisitor to wire into the factory PWM circuit so the check engine light does not come on due to the fan not being connected to the ECU any more.  

12-18 You can also reuse your factory fan power harness.

FUTURE OPTIONS ___________________________________________________________

Vehicle support and fan support will be added to the list as we complete them. If you have something specific that is not on the list feel free to contact us with your details. 


Mopar Pentastar style PWM fans

GM Camaro based PWM fans

SPAL PWM based fans

Vehicle support:

Jeep JK 3.8  07-11

Jeep JK 3.6 12-18

Jeep JK 07-18 with most HEMI Conversions. ** ( Will need to verify if the factory AC presure sensor is installed and reading on the canbus. We use this input for fan calculations. If you do not have a AC pressure sensor, the module will think the AC PSI is 500 and will run the fan at max speed all the time. If you do not plan on using a AC pressure sensor please let us know so we can custom program your module to ignore the AC pressure ) **


Simple hookup:

  • ignition SW12 volts
  • ground
  • CAN +
  • CAN -
  • PWM FAN Output Signal

Instructions and diagram will be included.